About Us

who we are
We’re Enhance. We make innovation happen. We work with engineering leaders to unleash the power of innovation. Not pretend innovation, real innovation. Engineering organisations follow our guidance and get results – amazing results.
We’re a consultancy like no other. We’re different and unique, and we like it that way. It’s what makes us really special. We’re engineers, so we’re not afraid of complex problems. But we love business too, so we understand economics, and enjoy seeing numbers grow.
We bring a fresh perspective, energy, strategies, tools, and infectious passion and positivity to every client relationship. We can’t work with everyone, but everyone we work with flies.
what we do
We get people excited. It’s easy, because engineering is the most exciting thing on Earth. Then we have some fun, and figure out what needs to be done.
We clear away the constraints, and free people to be creative so that they can develop great ideas. We call that ‘Freedom to Innovate’.
It’s our motto, purpose, and mission. It’s why we get out of bed in the morning. It’s the way we love to work. And it’s the gift we give to our clients. Obviously, it’s not that easy. But that doesn’t matter because we believe in it and we have to make it happen.

We fix NPD and early stage design, speed up the start of projects, get rid of all the excuses and turn project failure into success.
primary industries
We’ve worked with all kinds of businesses, and proved the versatility of our strategies. But we focus on medium-to-large engineering organisations that are ambitious and really passionate about innovation.
The world needs solutions that are automated, digital, smarter, and more sustainable and secure. We have to be a part of it.

We've worked on future technology projects in this industry leading to novel concepts & significant results.

power & energy
We've helped deliver massive results in this industry leading to projects worth £millions in revenue.

We've transformed full departments and enterprises in this industry leading to projects worth £millions in revenue.
Our leadership
We put our clients first, and are always striving for extraordinary results. The commitment to innovation starts with us.
You know you’re in good hands, when the people you’re working with continuously enhance themselves to meet the challenges of tomorrow.
We deliver game-changing
innovation services
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