yOur Industry matters
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The world needs solutions that are automated, digital, smarter, and more sustainable and secure. We have to be a part of it.
Our primary industries
We’ve worked with all kinds of businesses, and proved the versatility of our strategies (more details further down the page). But we focus on medium-to-large engineering organisations in the three industries below.

We've worked on future technology projects in this industry, leading to novel concepts & significant results.

power & energy
We've helped deliver massive results in this industry, leading to projects worth £millions in revenue.

We've transformed full departments and enterprises in this industry, leading to projects worth £millions in revenue.

other industries
We’ve worked with a variety of clients, from massive private manufacturing companies to medical charity organisations that serve people in Saharan villages. Some of these organisations are from as far west as San Francisco to Melbourne, Australia in the East. We’ve also worked with various small manufacturing companies, particularly in the West Midlands (UK).
We focus on electro-mechanical system clients in the three industries above. But we often consider interesting projects, where teams are ambitious and really passionate about innovation.
We deliver game-changing
innovation services
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